The craft and care on display here is fantastic. The descriptions are atmospheric, changing with time of day and level of fatigue. The gameplay challenges have multiple solutions, so many different playstyles can get you to the end of the game successfully (though killing ALL seven serpents is a challenge, especially if you dont keep your eyes open for clues). Nearly every problem can be tackled in multiple ways, and unlike the gamebooks that inspired it, the game is pretty scrupulous about keeping players from innocently locking themselves out of victory.
(That is to say, if you cant get a boat to cross that lake, your quest isnt unwinnable... but you might need to do a lot of swimming.)
Finally, theres a game mechanic I wont spoil that knocked my socks off, was probably a nightmare to code so smoothly, and gives nearly every location in the game depth, revisitability, and a sense of history.
I still prefer Sorcery! 2 for its fantastic setting, but its amazing that this adaptation/rewrite of S3 made it even NEARLY as good.
Must buy.